The Decor Committee is a standing committee appointed by the Board of Directors. The Committee has principal oversight responsibility for and will provide recommendations to the Board and management with respect to the RMC building’s common area décor matters, including interior paint and carpet condition and colors, furnishings and decorations. The Committee will evaluate the need for, recommend and select furnishings based on Board approval. The Committee will also recommend policies related to owner’s installation of décor items in common and limited common areas. The Committee will oversee the Book Nook.
The RMC community is proud of our Building and considers it to be of high quality construction, appearance and value. The Committee will ensure that these high standards are not degraded or compromised in any way and will strive to further enhance the appearance, quality, and value of our Building and the enjoyment and living standards for our residents.
Charter. Periodically reiew this charter and recommend needed changes to the Board.
- Members. The members will be appointed by the Board and the Committee will consist of at least three members, and one of whom (at least) shall be a Director. The Board will designate a Committee Chairperson.
- Meetings. The Committee will each year establish a schedule of meetings at least quarterly.
- Meeting Agendas and Reports. The Chairperson will establish agendas for Committee meetings. The Committee will make regular reports to the Board.
- Decor Policies. The Committee will recommend policies to the Board and review/recommend revisions to such policies as related to matters of décor and furnishings.
- RMCOA Expenditures. No RMCOA funds from dues will be used to procure any furnishings or décor items such as flowers or art without the express approval of the Board. Accordingly, the Committee has no authority to expend or commit RMCOA dues sourced funds.
- Decor Fund and Financial Contributions: The Board will authorize Management to establish a separate checking account to be funded by member’s voluntary contributions. Payments for the purchase of décor items will be made from this Fund.
- Property Contributions: The Committee has the authority to accept or reject proposed contributions of furniture, art, and other décor items based on its determination of need for and suitability of the item(s). Decisions in this regard must consider maintaining/enhancing RMC’s appearance, quality, value, enjoyment and living standards. Contributed items will become the property of RMCOA unless otherwise specified.
- Records and Reporting. The Committee will provide the Manager with accurate information (contributor, item, amount, date) on all contributions (financial and property) and disbursements. Reports will be made to the Board upon request.
- Book Nook. The Committee will monitor/manage the Book Nook to assure that it is neat and orderly.
Revision 1. July 14, 2009