Landscaping and Gardening Committee Charter


The Landscaping and Gardening Committee is a standing committee appointed by the Board of Directors. The Committee has oversight responsibility for and will provide recommendations to the Board and liaison with management with respect to the landscaping and gardening plans and maintenance.


  1. Periodically review this charter and propose any needed changes to the Board.
  2. The members will be appointed by the Board and the Committee will consist of at least three members of whom all will be members of RMCOA, and one of whom (at least) shall be a Director. The Board will designate a Committee Chairperson.
  3. The Committee will each year establish a schedule of meetings consisting of at least two annually.
  4. Agenda, Minutes and Reports. The Chairperson will establish the agendas for meetings of the Committee. The Committee will make reports to the Board.


  1. Master Plan. The Committee will develop, periodically review and present to the Board for approval a Master Landscaping and Gardening Plan. The Plan will seek to maintain/enhance the attractiveness of RMC property while minimizing the investment and ongoing cost.
  2. Implementation of Plan. The Committee will communicate the Plan to Owners, oversee implementation of the Plan and encourage, organize and support Owner involvement in its further development and implementation. The Committee will review Owner’s requests for deviations/modifications to the Plan and will annually recommend to the Finance Committee inclusion of necessary implementation and maintenance funds in the Three Year Budget.
  3. Operation & Maintenance. The Committee will oversee/manage operation and maintenance of the sprinkler system to assure proper and efficient watering of plants and grass. The Committee will monitor and seek to minimize the use of water and maintenance needs.
  4. Performance Evaluation. The Committee will provide input to the manager regarding changes in the scope of services provided by the landscaping contractor. Additionally, the Committee will evaluate, with input from the manager, at least annually, the performance of the landscaping contractor and recommend changes as appropriate.
  5. Reports will be made to the Board to keep it apprised of developments, needs and recommendations and will be responsive to the Board’s guidance.

Revision 2: July 14, 2009

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