Richmond Manor News | April 2017

You have heard the adage “April showers bring May flowers” well we should be overwhelmed with flowers this May.  Seattle and the NW is in the news again, this time for its record rainfall.  The most rain from Oct. to April a soggy 44.7 inches.  Not since 1985 have we had this much.  Jerry keeps thinking someone in the neighborhood will start to build an ark.  At least everything will be green and colorful as a result

Book Club

The April book club was held at Myrna’s home.  We had a nice chat about the featured book, The Sea Runners. Ivan Doig strayed a bit from his usual stories about the west with this book.  It was an equally engaging subject.  The May get together will be at Betty’s home in unit #210.  The discussion will be about The Little Paris Book Shop by Nina George.  Shirleen will lead the discussion.  Let Betty know if you plan to attend.  I won’t be there this time.

Notary Public

Brent Revok in unit #302 let us know he is a certified Notary Public.  He is offering anyone living in the building free notarizing.   Thanks Brent for the generous offer.

Recipe du Jour

Serves 2

Broiled Halibut

One pound or slightly less of fresh Halibut, either a filet or steak.

Brush with olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper.

Preheat the broiler

Place on broiler pan and place in the oven 6-7 inches from the broiler element.

Broil until the halibut registers 120-130 degrees.

Recipe from Charlie at the Central Market. 

Traveling neighbors

The Olsens are back from their California Winter home.

Betty took a trip back to the east coast to visit family and friends.

I’m going off for a train ride from her to Whitefish Montana to visit a niece.  Jerry will join me later via his car for a little road trip.

April birthdays (I apologize for being late)

Bob Terry and Laurie Otnes

May Birthday


Restaurant Review


9818 Edmonds Way ( across the street from PCC )

Hours 10 AM-11PM

We mentioned Bucatini in a previous post. I wanted to recommend it again.  We re-visited Bucatini last week with friends.  It was great, our friends really enjoyed our visit.  They are in the process in expanding their space to include space next door.  So it should an even more enjoyable experience.  Don’t be put off by it’s location in a strip mall, inside it is quiet cosy and nice.

Ladies Lunch Bunch

So far no one has volunteered to organize a in house lunch for May.  I’m willing to make a casserole for the event if we have anymore interest.

Tip du Jour

Buy herbs and seasonings in bulk.

Since herbs and jarred seasonings lose their potency after being stored in our cupboards. It is a good thing to buy smaller amounts from the bulk department of your grocery store.  Both Central Market and PCC have great bulk departments.  Buying these products, a small amount at a time insures your herbs and seasonings are fresh.  It is also much less expensive than buying a whole bottle then throwing away half if it because it is no longer flavorful. Martha Stewart recommends spices and herbs are at their best used within 6 months.    A good test to see if your spices have gone bad is to rub a bit of the spice into the palm of your hand. Take a sniff – nice spices have a nice aroma, so if you don’t smell anything you won’t get much flavor from using the spice.

TV Thoughts

The last time we visited Puneet and Pretti Puneet recommended a series to us which is showing on NetFlix named the Kindness Diaries. Former London Stockbroker, Leon Logothetis, filmed his incredible journey of one man who makes his way around the world on a vintage motorbike by relying on the kindness of others.  It is a very inspiring and interesting journey.

And, if you want a bit of light humor try Allo Allo on NetFlix.  It is base in a small french cafe in WW2 Germany.  Actually quite funny.

So, friends and neighbors take the time to take a walk around out building and neighborhood to enjoy the beautiful flowers/trees and shrubs which surround us.  It will make dealing with the record amount of rain worthwhile.  Enjoy






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